Who We Are
This Site is the online portfolio and catalog of Architect Mustafa Kemal İpek and also serves as a communication tool with him. URL of this site is https://ipekhomesbodrum.com. Metni Türkçe dilinde görüntülemek için lütfen burayı tıklayın.
Privacy Policy
Which Personal Data is Collected and How Long Retained
Contact Forms
Contact forms are used in case of a visitor’s need of a query from the Site owner. Site visitor’s contact information, which sent via these contact forms are kept for two years for the sole purpose of maintaining the conversation but not advertising or any other promotional means.
This Site uses Google Analytics tool to inspect visitor traffic. As soon as the visitor lands on this site, a set of cookies regarding the information about the visitor’s screen size, brwoser capabilities, etc. is set and this information is sent to Google servers. This information is kept for 26 months at Google.
Caching Service
This Site uses several layers of web caching technologies (local and cloud services) in order to improve visitor’s experience during browsing the Site. That means, these caching tools keep a static copy of each browsable web page of this Site in the cache at a maximum period of seven days. Cache data is not and cannot be shared to third parties, except site administrators for the purpose of solving a thecnical problem. This data does not contain personal information.
For the purpose of analyzing website visitor traffic, this Site uses Google Analytics tool. You can view Google’s Privacy and Terms at here.
Terms of Use
This website content belongs to Mustafa Kemal İpek and is protected under International and local copyright laws. Any piece of the Site content, including any piece of code, logo, image, color set, text and similar content are protected and cannot be used elsewhere.
User Consent
Visitors are welcomed by a banner at the bottom of her/his browser, as they land in this Site and asked for consent about the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Continuing to browse the Site means that the visitor has read, understood and given consent for the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.